I feel very good about myself. I can read books on my own. I can drive a car myself to class now. My life has changed a lot better because I can read and write and do some math. I feel good around other people than before because I can do more things with other people than before. I can read books to my niece and help her with her homework at night. Yes, I have more control over my life. I feel more confident in my life. In many ways I feel I will be able to get a better job in the future and make it on my own. So yes I do feel that learning gives you more power over your own life.
by Trevor L.
Monday, October 29, 2007
control and confidence
learning is life long
I feel that learning is life long. You never really stop learning till you have left this world, and even then who knows. My family as always told that I should not be afraid to try new things, because I can't be faulted for trying but it is when I don't try that is wrong. This whole blogging is very scary to me. But I'm trying it.
by Dawn J.
Friday, October 26, 2007
learning 1, 2, ...
learning with new friends
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
hats off to learning
blogging is power
A Mothers love. A mothers love, never stops growing, for her child.
Whose love or lost? By trying to make ends meet,
Not knowing how her child feels, living on the streets
A mothers love, is sometimes hard to understand?
When you reach so hard just to hold her hand.
So reach her and love your mothers
And respect hat she’s been there too,
So when she sees her child suffer,
She feels there is nothing she can do,
Love your mother’s love because she loves you.
Respect mother’s love.
By Wanda E.
learning is fun
I started to come to the Literacy program about a year and a half ago. When I started my reading and spelling was very bad. Since I have been here my spelling and reading has improved in a very good way.
I did not have any computer skills when I started here. My mentor has taught me how to use the computer. When I started to use the AlphaRoute program I have improved in all area of reading, spelling and the understanding of the English language.
The big thing is I'm still having fun learning.
by Charles W.
learning is fun
I started to come to the Literacy program about a year and a half ago. When I started my reading and spelling was very bad. Since I have been here my spelling and reading has improved in a very good way.
I did not have any computer skills when I started here. My mentor has taught me how to use the computer. When I started to use the AlphaRoute program I have improved in all area of reading, spelling and the understanding of the English language.
The big thing is I'm still having fun learning.
by Charles W.
b-ball squad
I enjoyed watching the Learning is Power B-Ball Squad video.
As a tutor I feel that this video sums up everything that literacy programs are all about. They are about the learners.
Learning is Power expresses some real concerns that new learners have when they come to any Adult Learning Centre. They experience anxiety, frustration, nervousness and uncertainty.
The video indicates that adult learners attend for various reasons. Some want to read to their kids and grandkids. They wish to be better able to communicate with family and friends and they also want to be exposed to vocabulary that they may not be familiar with. It is also very important for adult learners to feel comfortable filling out forms and applications. They wish to have a comfort level when dealing with various people and they feel it is very important to express themselves properly.
Learning is one of the best ways to develop your reading, writing, math and social skills. An individual feels very powerful when they can face the world on a daily basis and not be made to feel like they are of no value. Self-esteem is also a very valuable lesson experienced within all Adult Learning Centers. Self-esteem is a very valuable asset in helping people understand what power is and how it can help you maintain a very positive lifestyle.
by Catherine L
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
i'm getting better
I'm getting better on the computer than I was three years ago.
I took a computer course at the Adult Learning Center, then I went to the college and did some more work on the computer.
I'm doing well in my English, Math, spelling, and with my writing.
The more I learn the more powerful I get.
by Jean O.
always learning
Some people have different things they like to learn and some find it a challenge. I think we all faced challenge through are lifetime. Two things I am learning are the following being a parent to my son who is 16 months and another cooking. I know I could have learned cooking but you are always learning everyday no matter what you are doing.
by Joanne N.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I think learning is power because if we don't keep trying to learn new things then we lose what we already have. Learning helps me to think about new things to do in my life. Right now, I am working on learning fractions. I have always found fractions hard to learn but I am working with my tutor to learn how to use them in recipes.
I like to cook for myself and others and this is important for me to learn my fractions. Plus it is just good to learn something new.
Bye for now,
Deborah C.
da vinci code
Saturday, October 13, 2007
name the blog
Okay everybody - it is time to vote on the name.
Look right - you will see a poll called
Chose the name you like best.
Click on the dot beside the name you like best.
Then click on the word VOTE at the bottom.
Once you have voted, you can click on SHOW RESULTS.
You can see which name is getting the most votes.
You have until Saturday to vote.
Friday, October 12, 2007
what is a blog?
Here are your ideas about what blogs are and whether there is power in blogging or not.
o Blog is a new away to share ideas your life story and what things are happening in your community.
o Well the power of Blog can help a person who wanted to put part of their story on it and see if people like what they have read or of it needs some improvement or somebody can make a suggestion on changing something in the story
o My definition of a Blog is something that is of interest to the person who is writing or preparing the information. It is an avenue which people can use to communicate with a large group of individuals at the same time.
o A blog is a way of writing what we think to other people. It is like a journal but on the internet.
o Yes blogging is power because it lets us say what we think to many people at once.
o To me a BLOG is a computer journal where I can share my stories, feelings, dreams, hopes and thoughts.
o Yes, I think blogging is power because other people may be reading it and may be influenced by it.
o I think blog is a way to give a short description about something, and tell a small story. I do thing blogging is power because it tells a lot of stuff in a short story.
o My definition of blog is a computer story. Some people's blogs tell about their ideas, opinions, experiences and feelings.
o Yes, I think blogging is power because it draws readers to the story and it also can provide information and can change people's opinions.
o My definition of a blog is like writing in a diary or a journal. I have done both.
o My definition of a blog is keeping a journal where You write down your most private thoughts,
o My idea of a Blog is a journal that is online. It a place to talk about anything you want to say.
o No, I do not think blogging is power. The reason is everyone has the power to say and do what is the best for their life. My blog may not be read by anyone.
o The word blog means a web log. It is a collection of short stories or a journal.
o The meaning of blog means to me to write entries and add different materials and it does not matter what you add.Its like an online diary like some people use facebook and they put there personal thoughts and express how they are feeling too. They updated often as possible as well. Its pretty much like online journal by using facebook and some of there friends on there too.
o Blog is great we get to meet many people on here .
o I love reading new stories
o I am starting to get what a blog is and no it is not like a bog (although at times I do feel bogged down!!). A blog is your on-line journal/diary /agenda -or whatever else you want it to be!!! I think that used sensibly they are a good thing.
o Following someone's story is a blog.
o A blog is like a web-site. I think blogs are alright
o Blogging to me is like a E-mail but any one can read it if they had the address. Blogging is used so you can keep the family or group of people up to date on what is happening. This is power because you only need to write the message once and stays their for as long as you want and goes to whoever would like to read it that is interested in the topic...
o A series of messages.
o Blogging is like having good discussion with many people.
o To me blogging is just like writing in a journal. A journal is a little book where write your thoughts.
And here is Blogger's definition.
around the world?
My question on blog. If I start a blog will everybody around the world see it or only the people in Canada?
Everyone who has an internet connection and a computer - all around the world.
Look at the Literacies Cafe - look down on the right side - you will see a map that shows all the countries that people have visited from.
On Blogger you can make your blog private. This means only people with a password can see the blog. You invite people to your blog and only they can see it.
blogs or message boards
I still am not sure of what a blog is, and how and why it would differ from a message board.
There can be similarities between a blog and a message board.
Both can build communities of people with similar interests
or people who are trying to solve similar problems.
I think a blog is where one person puts up some information, ideas or opinions and others comment on that information or those, ideas and opinions. One person (or sometimes a group of people) chooses the topics. A blog is a reflection of experiences and thoughts of one person (or small group).
A message board is a place where many people share information, ideas or opinions. It is not the reflection of one person (or small group) but of a wider community of people.
On a message board - everybody is invited to share equally.
On a blog - I write stuff and you comment or not as you wish.
Here is an article on this topic by CommonCraft:
It is a bit of a long article. You may find the chart helpful.
Or here is a shorter version:
- A blog post says “Here it is, dig it”
- A message board post says “your turn”
- A blog is my back yard
- A message board is a park
- When things go quiet on a blog, the onus is on one person
- When things go quite on a message board, the onus is on everyone
blogging concerns
I am concerned about what information I should share in a blog. My second question,is there any way I can control who reads my blog ?
And I am concerned who reads my blogging too. and I can control it too.
You two have the same concerns as myself. I am not sure how safe anything is on the web. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable keeping a personal journal blog on line. ...
I think that putting any personal information on the web runs a risk. I think that by blogging people may be making themselves vulnerable without realising it.
You all raise important questions. Many bloggers share your concerns.
On Blogger, you can choose to keep your blog private. That means you invite certain people to read your blog and they have to have a password to see your blog.
You can also choose to make your blog 'invisible' to search engines. That means if people search, no links to your blog will come up.
But as K points out, it is always possible to break through these safety measures. I am pretty careful on story juice not to identify people, especially children.
We saw what happened when we all started clicking on marytree. Mary became concerned that we might be posing a threat to her children. Mary says, "As with many bloggers I am often torn by how much to put out there."
I guess we all have to find our own comfort level. People can be healing to each other and sharing stories and experiences is one way we do that. But we also have to keep ourselves safe. My advice would be to be very cautious and careful - once it is on the internet it is out in the world.
Monday, October 8, 2007
name the blog
What will we call this blog?
Click on the word COMMENTS below.
Type in your idea.
Sign your name.
Do this by Saturday, October 13, 2007.
We will vote next week.
If you need more help,
click on How to add a comment
in the sidebar (look right).