Saturday, October 20, 2007



I think learning is power because if we don't keep trying to learn new things then we lose what we already have. Learning helps me to think about new things to do in my life. Right now, I am working on learning fractions. I have always found fractions hard to learn but I am working with my tutor to learn how to use them in recipes.

I like to cook for myself and others and this is important for me to learn my fractions. Plus it is just good to learn something new.

Bye for now,

Deborah C.


Jessica said...

wow..very interesting..i also always found fractions hard..i started relizing how much we use them in everyday life..i think you are a hundred percent right about learning new things and everything. Good post

Nancy Friday said...

I had trouble learning math and I still have lots of problems trying to think math.

What I remember liking about learning fractions was the pizza example - using a pizza to learn about dividing things up - and then eating the pizza!


Wendell Dryden said...

Oh! I love math...

I was really bad at it in school. I had to repeat grades and then I always just passed.

But after, when I had time to learn on my own and with other adults, everything changed. It seemed so easy!

I guess it matters where you learn and who you learn with.