Saturday, February 9, 2008

stories are important because... they take us to new places

I really think stories are important because it shows you that people know how to read about what ever they want.
Stories are important to me because I can go to different places and learn about different people. I like all sorts of stories and my favourite stories are by Stephen King. He has a really good imagination.
I love movies and that’s why stories are important to me. If there were not stories we would not have any movies in the world and well, Do you want to live in a world that has no STAR WARS, GONE WITH THE WIND and THE GODFATHER? What kind of world is that!
I love all kinds of stories. I love to read and imagine myself being in those far away places that I read about.
Stories are important because they make people feel emotions. It lets me escape to other worlds and opens up my mind to new things and ideas.
I love stories when somebody tell it to me it feels like it is entertainment to me

1 comment:

donelda said...

Stories are important because they can take you places were you can only go in you imagination. All thought you may travel through time and space, and then back again you may learn a lesson or even solve a crime or puzzle in real life. Books and movies can take you into another world and bring you back safe, or even reach out and take you away from reality for hours and bring you back reflecting on your self in real time which seems less harder to live in the now.